This year, players completed all of the tasks given to them by Overkill, and so we were rewarded like always. Usually, players are given new missions, new guns, new masks, even new players - and all for free too, most of the time. This year, however, the first reward Overkill gave to us was microtransactions. What? Why would you do this Overkill?
Payday players can now buy safe drills, which open safes that players get while playing the game. These safes contain sixteen gun skins. This would be great, but you can’t open the safe until you pay $2.50 for a safe drill. Once you buy the safe drill, you are given one of the sixteen gun skins inside. One of sixteen! That means you have to buy sixteen safe drills in order to get all the gun skins.
It wouldn’t be a big deal if the skins were just for looks, but they’re not. These gun skins also boost the stats of the gun, and you can’t even pick the gun skin you want. It’s like playing the slot machines every time you do it. You want a skin for your shotgun? Too bad, here’s one for the mini gun you never ever use! Get another safe and another drill and maybe you will get the right one this time!
This is unacceptable, especially when we consider that back in 2013, Payday’s lead designer David Goldfarb was asked if the game would have misrotransactions and he said:
Overkill, you have failed this city. I mean, you have failed your fans, and you are going to be in some hot water for the next few weeks. I really hope you can figure something out before everyone uninstalls the game (and you) from their lives.
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